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Posted on:2024-01-16

Back in 2021 while I was ā€œstudingā€ Spanish in Barcelona, me and my friend were looking for what courses to apply for next semester. For context, all university corses and programs are free in Sweden and you apply to them through a central website called They have many filters and tools to find whatā€™s right for you, but me and my friend were not ready to commit to our lifes true path quite yet. What we really wanted was a button that would generate a totally random course from the tens of thousand avaliable.

Back then we didnā€™t know how an implementation of this was possible, but around a year later, I hacked together with the little Javascript I had managed to learn and a python package called Selenium.

The solution is really sub-optimal and I need to scrape the site every semester (which takes a whole night, and works like a snapshot of the current state of to keep the site updated. At least it has itā€™s own domain and people think its funny. In the future maybe I can find a way to update it dynamically.

As of 2024-03-18: I did an update to the scraper script.

Below are some of the best courses I found from spring 2024:

Some courses from spring 2024

Translates to:

The horseā€™s senses and behaviors

Pain in children and youths

The surface of the eye and dry eyes

Vampire fiction

Corruption in politics and management

Persian percussion tradition


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