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Terminal Website

Posted on:2024-02-03


During the autumn I stumpled upon the existence of the VRChat rave scene through an epic Dj set by woodgraves. The aesthetics and the total internetness of the scene mesmerized me, especially that of big VR club SHELTER, whose posters I adored. Their website, is in terminal format and I thought it was the coolest! I looked through the source code (they even have a little easter egg there) and found that the site was just copied and re-skinned from Sat Naing who in turn was inspired by m4tt72 and Forrest. There are probably plenty more terminal pages out there, feel free to send them to me! It was also through Sat Naing and his Astro Paper theme for Astro that I eventually got working on this blog!

Obviously I had to create my own terminal page. I didn’t do anything fancy, just went with what I knew and html’d and JS’d it with minimal CSS. It is currently the index page of the domain.


I am no pro when it comes to the command line and have probably not stuck to conventions when it comes to the commands and arguments etc. These are the commands implemented so far and the list you see when typing help.

about                   - about me and the page  
cat [file]              - prints contents of a file as text  
cathtml [file]          - prints contents of a file as a webpage  
clear                   - clears the screen  
goto [subpath]          - follows the URL path (from  
help                    - displays information about builtin commands  
history                 - view command history  
index                   - indexes site pages  
links                   - lists my external links  
message [name] [cont... - sends me a message  
welcome                 - displays the boot message

The most interesting (and messy and weird) command is probably cathtml which prints an iframe with the contents of a sub page. I like recursion so of course you can print out the terminal page multiple times and use the terminal in multiple layers of itself.


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